Zenchai Apple and ginger matcha drink: Zenchai is a matcha cafe in the LES (NYC) with seasonal green tea drinks. I was really excited to try their fall apple cider and ginger green tea drink, but after I ordered and they began to pour out cider from a gallon container of Zieglers (which I haven’t had since I was a kid), I had a sense I was in trouble. Visually, the drink was appealing with a colorful ombré effect. But it had little ginger flavor and mostly tasted of very sweet and concentrated store-bought apple cider. I did feel... (read more) 2.5/5.0
drinks cider zenchai apple ginger matcha drink 2.5 nycFantasy Fruit Farm Blueberry cider: Purchased on a whim from Fantasy Fruit Farm at the Union Square farmers market in NYC, this bottle of fresh pressed blueberry cider was insanely sweet, making it difficult to consume. Perhaps this speaks to the freshness of the fruit, but a milder drink would be more palatable. It tastes a bit different than normal cider, but if I hadn't seen the label, it would have been hard to guess it was blueberry flavored. 2.5/5.0
drinks unionsquaremarket farmersmarket nyc fantasyfruitfarm blueberry cider 2.5Kimura Yuzu cider: I think I could live in the soft drinks section of Marukai Market in Gardena, LA, with its seemingly endless array of bottles in every color of the rainbow. It was hard to pick just one, but the beautiful vintage-style label of the Kimura brand sodas stood out to me, and yuzu-flavor just felt appropriate. The fizzy drink is pretty sweet, like a tangier Sprite. Paired with the rich burger I had for lunch, it worked well, but on its own, it's a bit too sweet for my taste. Still, as an alternat... (read more) 3.0/5.0
drinks soda losangeles marukai japanese kimura yuzu cider 3.0Bernie's Best Gravenstein apple cider: The last time I was a Cheeseboard, I purchased an excellent bottle of Autumn Blend apple cider from Bernie's Best. This time, I opted for the only other flavor available at the pizzeria: Gravenstein apple. Unfortunately, this flavor lacked the depth achieved in the Autumn Blend and altogether tasted pretty typical for a decent store-bought apple cider. Not bad by any means, but also not worth going out of the way for. 3.0/5.0
organic drinks applecider juice berniesbest gravenstein apple cider 3.0Bernie's Best Organic Autumn's Best Apple Cider: I live very close to Cheeseboard in Berkeley and hadn't had their pizza since I moved in. On a whim back from running errands, and noticing there was a shorter line than normal, I stopped by this popular spot to re-taste the pizza I found exceptional five years earlier. To accompany the pizza, I grabbed an apple cider I hadn't seen before from their drinks fridge: Bernie's Best. The drink lists no nutrition facts, only that the cider is made fresh with apples from Pomo Tierra Orchards in Yo... (read more) 5.0/5.0
exceptional drinks berkeley berniesbest organic autumn's best apple cider 5.0Laurel Hill sparkling cider: Incredibly concentrated pure apple flavor w/ perfect level of fizz. Worthy of a celebration. 4.5/5.0
exceptional driks soda apple laurelhill sparkling cider 4.5