Mito Yuzu Cider: This bottle of citrus soda from Shimane Prefecture, Japan, was purchased from Japan Village's Sunrise Mart in Brooklyn. The soda tastes like a citrus-leaning ramune; quite sweet, but the acidic yuzu flavor helps balance it out. Half a bottle was the perfect amount for me, which is also oddly the serving size listed on the nutrition facts. Would probably pair really well with savory food. As far as citrus sodas I've had, this is definitely above average. 3.5/5.0
recommended drinks soda japanese mito yuzu cider 3.5Wilklow Orchards Apple Cider Donuts: I bought some apples from the Green Market over the weekend and came across Wilklow Orchards apple cider donuts. Apple cider donuts are a seasonal dessert popular in the Northeast, especially at apple orchards. I've never actually had them before, so I was excited to try them, and at 60 cents each, they were wallet friendly. The donuts came in two offerings: coated in sugar, and without coating. I purchased the one without sugar, which I think was the way to go, as it was sweet enough. ... (read more) 3.5/5.0
recommended sweets applecider nyc wilkloworchards apple cider Donuts 3.5Up Mountain Switchel Original Apple Cider Vinegar, Maple Syrup, and Ginger Switchel: Switchel seems to have gotten pretty popular over the past two years, which makes me happy because I especially enjoy ginger drinks. I purchased this one from a Vietnamese restaurant but recently saw that Whole Foods sells it. It's a little too sweet for me, and doesn't have as potent of a ginger flavor as I expected it to. Pretty average as far as switchels I've had. 3.0/5.0
drinks upmountainswitchel original apple cider vinegar maple syrup ginger switchel 3.0Lesser Evil Himalayan Salt and Apple Cider Vinegar Paleo Puffs: This is the second flavor of Paleo Puffs that I’ve tried, which are sometimes on sale at Whole Foods (that’s when I buy them). A more mild version salt and vinegar flavored chips, and much healthier at that, made without any grains and in puffed form (similar to cheese puffs, but more dense). It’s pretty tasty, and I would get it again. 3.5/5.0
recommended wholefoods lesserevil himalayan salt apple cider vinegar paleo puffs 3.5Lesser Evil Green Elephant Salt 'n Apple Cider Vinegar Potato Chips: My one greatest snack weakness is potato chips. With their high fat content and sparse serving size, chips are kind of the worst snack you could eat, even though they tend not to be highly processed. Because of these reasons, I rarely buy a bag of potato chips. But these salt and vinegar potato chips were on sale at Berkeley Bowl, so I succumbed and found a remarkably tangy potato chip worth trying. These chips are smaller and crunchier than normal (they're kettle cooked), and they are s... (read more) 3.5/5.0
recommended saltandvinegar pototochips lesserevilgreenelephant salt 'n apple cider vinegar potato chips 3.5Pomo Tierra Farms Hot Apple Cider: When I stopped at Cheeseboard this morning to pick up some breakfast, I saw a handwritten sign for seasonal hot apple cider from Pomo Tierra farms. I purchased the drink, then saw a man pour apple cider from a bottle of Bernie’s, a local apple cider brand they sell at various East Bay shops. I asked to clarify-was it Pomo Tierra Farms or Bernie’s? They told me they were the same thing. Then I had a sinking feeling that I had become That Berkeley Person, challenging exactly which organic app... (read more) 3.5/5.0
recommended drinks cheeseboard berkeley pomotierrafarms hot apple cider 3.5