Evy Tea peach ginger white tea: Cold brewed tea that's fantastically (and naturally) pure and flavorful despite having no calories or sugar. Flavors are clean and distinct, and the drink itself is light and refreshing. A perfect bottle of tea. 5.0/5.0
exceptional tea drinks evytea ginger peach boston coldbrewed icedtea whitetea white 5.0Brown Sugar Cafe homemade limeonade: An excellent refreshing drink that is tart and acidic but not overpoweringly so. Great for hot weather. Perfect level of sweetness. A pleasant surprise that it's carbonated. 4.5/5.0
brownsugarcafe boston thai drinks limeonade lime soda exceptional homemade 4.5Meisum Bakery peanut bun: Generous mochi dessert coated with coconut shavings and sweet peanut filling. The mochi itself is plump and soft, barely sweetened, while the peanut filling is slightly crunchy, lending a surprising texture. Overall, a very satisfying (and cheap!) snack. 4.0/5.0
mochi bakery chinatown boston sweets peanut nuts coconut asian chinese recommended bun 4.0 meisumbakeryBerryline Watermelon Froyo with Mochi: Watermelon and yogurt aren't two flavors I've imagined together, but Berryline expertly marries them into a wonderfully refreshing summer treat. Slightly tart but just sweet enough, the seasonal flavor is subtly impactful. The homemade mochi is good too, with a chewier consistency than the larger chains. 4.0/5.0
recommended cambridge boston yogurt berryline watermelon froyo mochi 4.0Toscanini's Grapefruit Sorbet: I paid a visit to this Cambridge favorite on my visit back to MIT and purchased a mini-scoop of grapefruit sorbet. The portion was generous, and the ice cream had a fantastically smooth texture. A great palate cleanser and very fresh – acidic and slightly bitter, though it did have that slight metallic taste you sometimes get even with freshly squeezed grapefruit juice. Despite the cold, the shop was as popular as ever, and it felt good to be back. 4.0/5.0
recommended boston cambridge icecream toscaninis grapefruit sorbet 4.0 citrusAJ Stephans Ginger Beer: A refreshing and bright ginger soda that is potent but not overly so. Fairly balanced in terms of sweetness. From Boston. 3.5/5.0
ginger gingerbeer soda ajstephans boston recommended jamaican beer 3.5