4.0 (399)
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Yifang Coconut Sago Drink: Really enjoyed this refreshing creamy drink from Yifang, which has small tapioca balls (sago), like the type in tapioca pudding. A great alternative to milk tea if you're craving something fruitier. 4.0/5.0

recommended drinks coconut sago drink 4.0 yifang
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Culture Shock Last Unicorn Blueberry Ginger Kombucha: I never really considered myself to be a kombucha person, but Washington state seems to be really into it, and being a fan of beverages more generally, I'm up for trying local treats. This bottle was purchased at Top Banana, a local produce store, and features just a few natural ingredients: blueberries, ginger, green and black teas, and sugar. It has a beautiful natural purple color unlike any beverage I've had before. The overall flavor is fruity, slightly spiced rather than spicy, and h... (read more) 4.0/5.0

recommended drinks seattle cultureshock last unicorn blueberry ginger kombucha 4.0
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Flora Bakehouse Seasonal Sweet Dasish with Charentais melon jam, pastry cream,, Gaila and Charentais melon, and shiso : Multiple people have recommended Flora to me after learning I recently moved to Seattle. The Bakehouse in Beacon Hill is an offshoot of the full-service cafe in Madison Valley and has a variety of freshly-made pastries, with classics like croissants and kouign-amanns alongside seasonal offerings. Currently featured is their seasonal danish of diced cantaloupe and honeydew (literally a hybrid of the two with the Galia melon) sitting on a mix of pastry cream and melon jam, topped with sliced... (read more) 4.0/5.0

exceptional pastry seattle fruit florabakehouse seasonal sweet dasish charentais melon jam cream gaila shiso 4.0
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Lopez Island Mint chocolate ice cream: We’ve had some hot weekends in Seattle and I had a sudden craving for mint ice cream the other day, so I decided to treat myself to a new brand I hadn’t tried before. Lopez Island Creamery is based in Anacortes, WA, which I only know from PW Elverum & Sun, and makes, according to the packaging “handmade ice cream one batch at a time.” The ice cream is pure white in color and features bite sized chocolate chips (not the shaved chocolate you sometimes get with this classic flavor). It was exa... (read more) 4.0/5.0

exceptional qfc icecream mintchocolate lopezisland mint chocolate ice cream 4.0
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TP Tea Mulberry slush: TP Tea is a tea shop chain from Taiwan. I’ve previously had it in Cupertino and in Tokyo, and now I can visit the small shop in the International District in Seattle. The mulberry tea is a unique fruit tea offering, with macerated berries that lend a jammy texture to the iced drink. It reminds me of the great fruit teas I used to be able to get at Asha Tea in the Bay Area. Definitely recommend getting this if you’re in the mood for something other than milk tea! The quality of the boba was a... (read more) 4.0/5.0

recommended drinks seattle tptea mulberry slush 4.0
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Harvest Snaps Yellow and white cheddar Popper Duos: Cheese puffs are some of my favorite junk food, and this pea-based yellow and white cheddar combo snacks are even better than the original corn-based ones. They’re more dense, so they have more of a bite, but they’re still crispy, and the coating has all the rich, savory flavor of a flavor-engineered Frito Lay snack but without the weight of artificial ingredients. A super dependable tasty snack that I am sure I’ll be buying again. 4.0/5.0

recommended cheese sprouts harvestsnaps yellow white cheddar popper duos 4.0