Lopez Island Mint chocolate ice cream: We’ve had some hot weekends in Seattle and I had a sudden craving for mint ice cream the other day, so I decided to treat myself to a new brand I hadn’t tried before. Lopez Island Creamery is based in Anacortes, WA, which I only know from PW Elverum & Sun, and makes, according to the packaging “handmade ice cream one batch at a time.” The ice cream is pure white in color and features bite sized chocolate chips (not the shaved chocolate you sometimes get with this classic flavor). It was exactly what I had wanted, a pretty perfect encapsulation of unfussy mint chocolate flavor - the mint is strong and refreshing, the ice cream smooth and creamy, and the chocolate chips crisp and evenly distributed for a generous amount in each scoop. Would definitely get again and am looking forward to trying other flavors. 4.0/5.0
exceptional qfc icecream mintchocolate lopezisland mint chocolate ice cream 4.0