white (34)
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787fd5be 537d 4563 8e8f e7ef7bf94178

Lundberg White cheddar & jalapeño baked grain bites: I know Lundbergh from their rice crackers, but this is the first time I’ve seen a snack from them that’s shelved outside of the health food aisle. Baked puffed “grain bites” have a bit of heat but largely taste imbalanced, with a white cheddar flavor that doesn’t quite mix with the brown rice taste. Crispy snack is reminiscent of chicharrones, but lighter and of course without meat. 2.5/5.0

organic lundberg white cheddar jalapeño baked grain bites 2.5
974290785733478144 1397986312

Minamoto Kitchoan white peach mochi: As close to mochi perfection as I've experienced. Beautiful and thoughtful packaging. Each mochi is wrapped to resemble a peach, and the mochi itself has a textured coating to mimic the fuzziness of the fruit. Filling to mochi exterior ratio is very high. Interior paste is a vivid pink color and tastes of sweet peach. A very special treat. 5.0/5.0

minamotokitchoan japanese mochi peach whitepeach exceptional sweets dessert white 5.0
2016 09 24 17.50.21

Mr Bartley's Black and White Malted Milkshake: For my last official snack in Cambridge, I had to get one of Bartley's famous malted "frappes" (milkshakes). Over the 9 years I've lived in Cambridge, I've had their milkshake a few times, spaced several years apart. One of my earliest memories is going on a trip with a few members of my undergraduate dorm, walking from MIT to Harvard Square just to get milkshakes to go. Their legendary shakes are thick (and stay that way, due to the incorporation of soft serve instead of ice cream), and ... (read more) 4.5/5.0

drinks cambridge harvardsquare exceptional mrbartleys black white malted milkshake 4.5
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Pirate's Booty Shells and White Cheddar: Surprisingly decent boxed mac and cheese, with sharp cheddar flavor. Very similar in taste to Trader Joe's Shells and White Cheddar, but that's not a bad thing. 3.0/5.0

macandcheese piratesbooty macaroni cheese shells white cheddar 3.0
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Popcorn Indiana aged white cheddar popcorn: messy but tasty (save for the rogue kernels in every mouthful) 3.0/5.0

popcornindiana aged white cheddar popcorn
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Saffron Road White cheddar chickpea crisps: Chips with an irregular texture reminiscent of Popcorners, with muted confetti-colored “splotches” indicative of the vegetables used to flavor it (green for peas, orange for sweet potatoes, and red for lentils). While I liked the sharp cheddar powdered flavoring that coats the chips, the combination of vegetable with cheese is a little odd and doesn’t quite come together. Purchased from Whole Foods. 3.0/5.0

chips veggie wholefoods saffronrose white cheddar chickpea crisps 3.0