water (41)
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Koh Coconut coconut water: Natural, hydrating drink low in sugar with a nutty aftertaste. Refreshing and light. 3.5/5.0

koh kohcoconut coconut coconutwater drinks water 3.5
2017 01 12 19.03.28

La Croix Peach Pear Sparkling Water: Finally had a can of this trendy sparkling water at a catered event. Concentrated fruit flavor with a tropical vibe - can't say I would have been able to identify it as pear-flavored if I hadn't seen the label, but the peach flavor reminds me a bit of peach gummies. Surprisingly contains no artificial sweeteners. High level of carbonation. Not convinced enough to purchase on my own, but it wasn't bad. 3.0/5.0

drinks lacroix sparklingwater peach pear sparkling water 3.0
2017 06 30 17.49.58

La Croix Mango Sparkling Water: Only the second flavor of La Croix I've ever had, the "mango essenced" sparkling water was worthwhile, with a high level of carbonation and punchy mango flavor. Doesn't have a salty aftertaste like other seltzers sometimes do. A solid, affordable flavored seltzer. 3.5/5.0

recommended drinks lacroix mango sparkling water 3.5
Img 0886

La Croix Coconut sparkling water: I tend to avoid La Croix, largely because I never buy cases of soda. But ever time I try it, I'm surprised how decent it is given its mass appeal. This coconut one had a concentrated tropical flavor and good level of carbonation. Good job people of America in promoting a quality product. 3.0/5.0

drinks soda seltzer lacroix coconut sparkling water 3.0
8e263916 b04a 4f98 a950 a9534df68384

La Croix Key Lime sparkling water: Has a distinct flavor that separates it from a traditional lime seltzer. Almost dessert-y, with a strong vanilla aftertaste. Easily the least likable La Croix I’ve had to date. Can’t imagine eating it paired with foods; even by itself, the flavor is a bit overwhelming. 2.5/5.0

drinks seltzer lacroix key lime sparkling water 2.5
14a77c2a e58a 429d a424 3fd46b95ae69

La Croix Cran-raspberry sparkling water : Generally, I think La Croix is pretty good. But this cran-raspberry flavor has a medicinal quality to it, reminding me of children’s medicine masked with candy-like flavors. Would not drink again. 2.0/5.0

drinks avoid lacroix cran-raspberry sparkling water 2.0