tart (9)
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Noosa Tart cherry whole milk yogurt: All-around quality creamy whole milk yogurt, with heartier pieces of fruit compote than normally found in comparable brands. Sweet but still satisfying. At a more manageable, snackable size for lunches than the normal flatter Noosa containers. 3.5/5.0

recommended noosa tart cherry whole milk yogurt 3.5
5dbe9b6c 1115 4814 b8c7 fc65db35de6d

Polar Tart cherry limeade seltzer: Like the initial bite into a ripe juicy cherry, amplified 5x, this seltzer has an intense concentrated flavor without any of the sweet qualities of fruit. It tastes artificial in the way that Cherry Coke doesn’t actually taste like cherry, but rather an imagined scenario where you could reduce the flavor of a mouthful of cherries into a single simplified taste. Lime trails behind, with a zingy citrus note at the end of each sip. Highly carbonated. 3.0/5.0

drinks polar tart cherry limeade seltzer 3.0
1134417307457848505 1397986312

Trader Joe's sweet, savory, and tart trail mix granola bars: A tangy, nutty, chewy combo with ingredients such as cranberries, chocolate chips, and peanuts. I like that the nuts are chopped and incorporated into the snack, so the texture is chewy rather than crunchy. A good mid-day snack. 3.5/5.0

traderjoes trailmix chewy granolabar recommended 3.5 sweet savory tart trail mix granola bars