spice (12)
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Saffron Road Bombay spice crunchy chickpeas: Fried chickpeas tossed with a dry savory spice mixture (it’s proprietary and thus not listed in the ingredients, but my best guess is garam masala, turmeric, cumin, ginger, and cinnamon). A bit awkward to eat because they coat your hands. The flavor was a bit too strong for me, so I never wanted to eat more than a handful. 3.0/5.0

wholefoods indian saffronroad bombay spice crunchy chickpeas 3.0
2016 09 06 15.25.26

Shribark Original Cranberry Spice bar: This square-shaped snack bar contains a hearty amount of oats and nuts. It's sweeter than I personally would prefer, with whole dried cranberries, but nonetheless has a healthy-snack vibe. Purchased from the Leanbox. 3.0/5.0

leanbox shribark original cranberry spice bar 3.0
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Siggi's pumpkin and spice yogurt: Surprisingly sweet (particularly for Siggi's) but with a nice spiced flavor. Smooth, creamy, and thick. A good seasonal snack. 3.5/5.0

siggis yogurt pumpkin spice recommended 3.5
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Trader Joe's Petite Pumpkin Spice Cookies: A seasonal version of Trader Joe's Pink & Whites (which, in turn, are knock-off animal crackers with sprinkles), these yogurt coated shortbread cookies are more distinctive, with a spiced ginger flavor and pumpkin-pie-flavored coating. They're really sweet, but given that the serving size is 4 cookies, you probably won't eat much at a time. I'm sure they graced many Halloween parties this season. Happy Halloween! 3.0/5.0

traderjoes halloween seasonal petite pumpkin spice cookies 3.0
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Trader Joe’s Gingerbread spice granola: A seasonal Trader Joe’s product, this wintery granola has all the usual spices, including cinnamon, ginger, allspice, and nutmeg. It has a strong flavor that’s best diluted with a bowl of plain yogurt or cold milk. With milk, the granola takes on a preferably softer consistency, as otherwise it’s a little too crunchy. Overall, I don’t mind it, but it’s not a favorite. 3.0/5.0

cereal ginger traderjoes gingerbread spice granola 3.0
2017 04 02 21.50.42

Zema Madhouse Sweet Potato Spice Cookies: Crumbly mini cookies flavored with sweet potato, ginger, and cinnamon. Gluten-free, substituting gluten-full ingredients with hemp, chia, and flax meal. Sounds too healthy to be any good? Fear not – the flavors are robust (especially the spicy ginger), and pumpkin seeds lend good and varied texture. As far as crunchy cookies go, Zema's madhouse has struck an admirable balance between good-for-you and good-tasting. 3.5/5.0

recommended ginger glutenfree zemamadhouse sweet potato spice cookies 3.5 wholefoods