polandspring (3)
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1065583256236492437 1397986312

Poland Spring raspberry lime sparkling water: Surprisingly good mainstream drink. Very clear fruit and citrus flavor that doesn't leave a salty aftertaste like a lot of seltzer. Affordable and widely available. Highly recommended. 4.0/5.0

polandspring seltzer sparklingwater raspberry lime citrus drinks recommended 4.0 sparkling water
1068922046900372934 1397986312

Poland Spring black cherry sparkling water: Unlike the favorably reviewed raspberry lime flavor, I found this bottle to have an unpleasantly salty aftertaste. Black cherry flavor is decent. Not one of the best. 2.5/5.0

polandspring blackcherry drinks sparklingwater 2.5 black cherry sparkling water
1068922046900372934 1397986312

Poland Spring black cherry sparkling water: Unlike the favorably reviewed raspberry lime flavor, I found this bottle to have an unpleasantly salty aftertaste. Black cherry flavor is decent. Not one of the best. 2.5/5.0

polandspring blackcherry drinks sparklingwater 2.5 black cherry sparkling water 2.5/5.0