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365 Mini cheddar crackers: Surprisingly salty mini cheese crackers from Whole Foods Brand 365. Still, if you’re looking for an organic alternative to Ritz, this may be it. 3.0/5.0

365 mini cheddar crackers 3.0
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Trader Joe's Mini Dark Chocolate Mint Coins: About 3/4 of the size of a Girl Scout's Thin Mint, TJ's mini version is black on black, with a mint chocolate cookie covered in dark chocolate. It tastes exactly as you would expect it to, which isn't too different than a Thin Mint, just slightly thinner and with less of a chocolate coating. In other words, neither good nor bad. 3.0/5.0

cookies darkchocolate chocolate traderjoes mini dark mint coins 3.0
Img 3283

Utopia Bagels Mini Everything Bagel with Lox Spread: I never once had a decent bagel when I lived in the Bay Area, so I'm relieved to now have an abundance of options back in NYC. One popular bagel shop I had yet to try was Utopia Bagels, located all the way in Whitestone Queens. Arriving at around 11:30am, the queue to order snaked around the entryway, and for a New York institution, the pace was extremely slow; from getting in line to leaving with food in-hand took about 45 minutes. Not being too hungry, I ordered their snackable mini bag... (read more) 2.5/5.0

bagels nyc bread lox creamcheese queens utopiabagels mini everything bagel spread 2.5
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Want Want Chicken and scallion mini rice crackers: Crunchy rice crackers shaped like golden brown nuggets coated in a seasoning tasting largely of onion and garlic. I wouldn't have guessed it was chicken flavored, but it does have that vaguely bouillon + MSG mix you get from seasoned ramen packets. Overall, I thought it was so-so. I prefer the rice crackers that have a more balanced savory and sweet coating. Purchased from Hong Kong Supermarket in Chinatown, NYC. 2.5/5.0

chinese ricecrackers nyc hongkongsupermarket wantwant chicken scallion mini rice crackers 2.5
2016 08 11 11.16.57

Late July Organic Mini Cheddar Cheese Crackers: This organic take on a classic snack suffers from the same flaws as Ritz: the crackers are over salted, and the serving size is too small. I don't see how it's possible to eat 13 mini crackers and not feel more hungry after the fact. Not recommended, especially considering the premium for an organic product. 2.0/5.0

cheese latejuly organic mini cheddar crackers 2.0