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2017 04 07 20.15.15

Oorifood Premium Garlic Snack: Since moving to the Bay Area, I've been impressed with how well American grocery stores stock Asian snacks in their ethnic food aisles. Berkeley Bowl in particular has an array of both Japanese and Chinese staples, including dried seafood, shrimp crackers, and multiple varieties of rice crackers (even carrying their own in the bulk section). But one thing that I have missed is Korean snacks, which I had easy access to back in Cambridge, MA since I lived close to an HMart. Luckily, I recent... (read more) 4.0/5.0

recommended korean puffs longreads oorifood premium garlic snack 4.0
2017 05 20 22.01.46

Quenelle Strawberry Rhubarb Sorbet: Three years ago, you took a detour to Burbank to check out a humble ice cream shop opened by a former pastry chef with a Michelin-starred pedigree. There, your palate was expanded, with singular flavors like ras el hanout. You were stunned that ice cream could be so good: so creamy and well balanced, yet challenging and complex. You gave it a rare 5.0, and even after consuming ice cream from many respectable places since then, that one scoop stands out in your memory. Fast forward three year... (read more) 4.0/5.0

recommended icecream sorbet losangeles longreads quenelle strawberry rhubarb 4.0