lime (26)
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1065583256236492437 1397986312

Poland Spring raspberry lime sparkling water: Surprisingly good mainstream drink. Very clear fruit and citrus flavor that doesn't leave a salty aftertaste like a lot of seltzer. Affordable and widely available. Highly recommended. 4.0/5.0

polandspring seltzer sparklingwater raspberry lime citrus drinks recommended 4.0 sparkling water
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Little Giant Ice Cream Thai Green Curry and Key Lime Pie Ice Cream: Known for unusual flavors like asparagus and beez cheese (a combination of goat cheese, honey, and black pepper), Little Giant Ice Cream, located on Telegraph in Oakland, did not disappoint, particularly with the well-balanced Thai green curry ice cream. Equal parts savory and sweet, it's a creamy concoction where the lemongrass is unmistakable, and while it's vegan, it's incredibly smooth. The key lime pie was quite good but did not quite hit the same high point largely due to its slightl... (read more) 4.0/5.0

recommended icecream oakland littlegianticecream thai green curry key lime pie ice cream 4.0
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Clancy's sriracha lime popcorn: Another snack from Aldi, this bag of popcorn has a slightly sweet chili flavor finished with lime. Good level of spice that's suitable for snacking by the handful. No artificial ingredients or colors. 3.5/5.0

popcorn clancys sriracha lime spicy 3.5 recommended
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Rhythm 'n Wraps sorrel 'n lime punch: Purchased at the Rhythm 'n Wraps food truck outside the Harvard science center, this refreshing drink is just sweet enough, with a pleasantly spiced flavor (I was told it had ginger in it). It comes with no ice, but I do wish there was just a little since it seems like it's best cold. A great accompaniment to the Spicy Gangsta Wrap. 3.5/5.0

rhythmnwraps cambridge harvardsquare drinks punch 3.5 sorrel lime recommended 'n
Img 9624

Kite Hill Key lime almond milk yogurt: If you enjoy almond milk in place of dairy milk, even if you're not lactose intolerant, then Kite Hill almond milk yogurt is worth seeking out. Their key lime flavor has a creamy and slightly tangy lime flavor. Nutty sweetness is unique and cravable. 3.5/5.0

recommended kitehill key lime almond milk yogurt 3.5
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Bonsai Kakigori Coconut Lime Crunch Kakigori: Located in the back of Canal Street Market, Bonsai Kakigori serves freshly-shaved Japanese ice desserts. Similar to Korean bingsu, the shaved ice has a fluffy consistency that's much lighter than Italian ice. At Bonsai, the shaved ice is piled high and served with a generous number of toppings. The Coconut Lime Crunch flavor had a coconut foam topping, toasted coconut flakes, lime zest, and toasted peanuts. Equal parts crunchy, creamy, and citrusy, it was well balanced and a treat to sha... (read more) 3.5/5.0

recommended desserts nyc japanese lime bonsaikakigori coconut crunch kakigori 3.5