green (57)
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Teas’ Tea Unsweetened lemongrass green tea: I like lemongrass in curries, but in tea it just tastes off. The green tea is good by itself, but it’s nearly impossible to isolate from the savory and slightly floral lemongrass flavor. 2.5/5.0

organic drinks teastea unsweetened lemongrass green tea 2.5
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Pa Tea Jasmine Green Tea with Boba: I really liked the brown sugar oolong milk tea I had from Pa Tea a few weeks ago and decided to return to try a different beverage. Unfortunately, this jasmine green tea was just ordinary. The tea had an slight floral jasmine flavor, but it tasted predominantly of milk. The boba was also quite bad, with a texture that was too soft. Given this quality, I probably would not go back again, at least not unless I just happen to be near Union Square. 2.5/5.0

drinks milktea boba patea jasmine green tea 2.5
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Mong Lee Sheng Taiwan mochi with green tea paste: The texture of the mochi is offputting (somewhere between chewing gum and proper mochi). The green tea flavor is common and lacks depth. Not overly sweet. 2.0/5.0

mochi greentea matcha chinese taiwanese desserts sweets mongleeshengtaiwan green tea paste 2.0
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365 green chili chutney naan chips: I don't know if the package I received is a dud, but these chips have almost 0 added flavor. They're passable as plain pita chips. Definitely need something to dip them in. 2.0/5.0

wholefoods naanchips pita chips 365 chutney indian green chili naan 2.0
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Kung Fu Tea honey green tea: Accidentally ordered this one with full sugar level, and it was insanely sweet. I also think it wasn't mixed properly because the first half was sweeter than the second. Boba was on the soft side. Honey overpowered the green tea. From KFT in Allston. 2.0/5.0

honey greentea bobatea bubbletea kungfutea allston 2.0 drinks tea green
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Beans Family garlic green peas: Chinese dried peas snack with a potent garlic flavor. Unfortunately, the peas themselves have an unsatisfying texture that's simultaneously greasy and dry. 2.0/5.0

munchpak greenpeas asian garlic chinese beanfamily 2.0 beansfamily green peas