granola (42)
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Kind Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate Bar: Kind is a rare brand where quality meets affordability. Their mantra, "Ingredients you can see and pronounce," clearly manifests in their packaging and choice of ingredients. This bar, combining glazed nuts drizzled with dark chocolate on top of a chocolate-coated granola base, is familiar yet executed well. A good, filling snack. 3.5/5.0

chocolate peanutbutter granola protein kind peanut butter dark bar 3.5
798867885850396178 1397986312

Cascadian Farm oat & chocolate crunchy granola bars: Composed of 9 natural ingredients, this granola bar is satisfying but not mind-blowingly so. 3.0/5.0

chocolate granola crunchy granolabar oats organic cascadianfarm oat bars 3.0
808637490370217048 1397986312

Cascadian Farm Oatmeal Raisin granola bars: Chewy granola bars with a balanced spiced sweetness. The mouth feel is a little starchy, perhaps to achieve the chewy texture. Kids-sized bars are about 2/3 the size of regular ones. 3.0/5.0

granolabar kidsized cascadianfarm oatmeal raisin granola bars 3.0
953180067445638641 1397986312

Bobo's coconut oat bars: Somewhere between a granola bar and a cookie. Thick and substantial but contains 2 servings. Good level of sweetness, light coconut flavor. Doesn't contain any artificial ingredients or sweeteners and is made with organic ingredients (although it's not actually organic). Filling and generally wholesome even if it's not particularly delicious. 3.0/5.0

bobos oat granola coconut bars 3.0
1006044088687166564 1397986312

Bear Naked honey almond granola: Classic flavor made with natural ingredients. Contains granola and whole almonds. Isn't particularly memorable. A decent basic. 3.0/5.0

bearnaked granola almond honey 3.0
1010584853572519843 1397986312

Nature's Path Pumpkin-N-Spice granola bar: Chewy, barely sweetened bar with real pumpkin seeds, flax, and whole grains. Decent spiced flavor, but eats somewhat dry and could use more sweetness. 3.0/5.0

naturespath granolabar organic pumpkin flax pumpkin-n-spice granola bar 3.0