garlic (20)
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1156948175145436556 1397986312

Beans Family garlic green peas: Chinese dried peas snack with a potent garlic flavor. Unfortunately, the peas themselves have an unsatisfying texture that's simultaneously greasy and dry. 2.0/5.0

munchpak greenpeas asian garlic chinese beanfamily 2.0 beansfamily green peas
1049608546151597706 1397986312

Yes Chips shrimp dressed in garlic: To be honest, the main reason I bought this snack was the ridiculousness of a shrimp wearing a head of garlic. Packaging aside, the chips themselves have a styrofoam-like texture, not unlike airy shrimp chips that were given to non-Asian diners in Chinese restaurants in the 90s. Still, the seafood flavor is actually quite good, and the garlic doesn't leave a strong aftertaste. The chips melt in your mouth (from all of the saturated fat, I'm sure). 3.5/5.0

yeschhips korean hmart shrimp seafood garlic chips 3.5 yeschips dressed in
987285919441912871 1397986312

Wonky kale and coconut snack: Crispy fried kale that is well seasoned and pretty tasty. Slight sweetness, but I wouldn't guess there was coconut. Each bag has a very small amount. Good garlic flavor that doesn't leave an unpleasant aftertaste. 3.0/5.0

wonky kale chips wholefoods garlic coconut snack 3.0
975664683368613529 1397986312

New York Style roasted garlic bagel crisps: The type of snack that makes you terrified to open your mouth around others, even 12 hours later. Not pleasant. 2.0/5.0

bagelcrisps garlic avoid bagels newyorkstyle roasted bagel crisps 2.0
832291886840710231 1397986312

Garden of Eatin' multigrain everything tortilla chips: Crunchy chips with layers of flavor that develop as you eat, including garlic, onion, flaxseed, and poppy seeds. Tasty and addicting. 4.0/5.0

gardenofeatin chips tortilla multigrain onion garlic poppyseeds recommended everything 4.0
824214250285467219 1397986312

Lesser Evil Super 4 Snacks kale and roasted garlic: Tubular shaped, crunchy snacks coated with a bold garlic flavor. Composed of white bean, quinoa, lentil, and chia. Addicting but shouldn't be eaten without a breath mint on hand. 3.0/5.0

super4 lesserevil kale roastedgarlic garlic super 4 roasted 3.0