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Seven Stars Farm low fat plain yogurt: Organic yogurt that had an acidic aftertaste and smooth, silky texture. Perfectly balanced with a bit of honey and fresh fruit. 3.5/5 3.5/5.0

recommended organic sevenstarsfarm low fat plain yogurt 3.5
1172106503475463623 1397986312

Trader Joe's reduced fat cheese puffs: Usually when a brand had a reduced fat version of a snack, there is a full-fat option too. Not so with this bag of Trader Joe's cheese puffs, as far as I know. Less cheese coating than an alternative like Cheetos, but a decent amount of flavor. A solid but messy snack. 3.0/5.0

traderjoes cheese cheesepuffs 3.0 reduced fat puffs
2017 01 22 18.13.38

Guerrero Chicharron de Cerdo: Picked from the bottom shelf, this bag of cracklins' unembellished packaging indicates that it contains "fried out pork fat with attached skin." Not a snack I can imagine finding easily at a large supermarket chain in the Northeast. While it's high in fat and sodium, it disappointingly falls short, with a dense, crunchy texture and lack of any distinct flavor. For a high calorie snack, I was hoping for a much bigger payoff. 2.5/5.0

safeway fat guerrero chicharron de cerdo 2.5