Dydo Melon Shake: There were always tons of Dydo vending machines in Tokyo selling discounted drinks at most street corners or metro stops. Perhaps because drinking in public is considered a bit of a faux paus in Japan, lots of the vending machines sell very small bottles for quickly quenching your thirst. This small melon shake came in a stout aluminum can / bottle and is an uncarbonated combination of melon and sugary milk. It had an unmistakable cantaloupe flavor but tasted more like candy than a drink.... (read more) 2.0/5.0
drinks vendingmachines japanese dydo melon shake 2.0Dydo Grandtime Vanilla Drink: I found this in a Dydo-branded vending machine at the Tameiko-Sanno Subway Station in Tokyo and decided to give it a try. I couldn't read the Japanese, but I guessed that it was flavored like vanilla ice cream from the graphic on the can. It has a milky, slightly-yellow semi-opaque color and tastes really strongly of Breyer's Vanilla Ice Cream, or something that I had growing up at kid's birthday parties. It was way too sweet and honestly pretty gross. I didn't want to finish the whole c... (read more) 1.0/5.0
drinks avoid vendingmachines japanese dydo grandtime vanilla drink 1.0Dydo Purush Jelly Sparkling Flavored Grape Soda: This is a very unique drink that you need to shake in advance of opening to break up its gelatinous filling. It contains a mix of "jelly," which has been carbonated so there's no risk of having overly-pressurized soda explode upon opening the can, as well as coconut jelly (Nata de Coco). It tastes like Fanta grape soda, so very sweet, but I really liked the mix of softer jelly and chewy coconut cubes, and the grape flavor is also quite nostalgic for me. Purchased from a vending machine. 4.0/5.0
recommended japanese junkfood drinks soda dydo purush jelly sparkling flavored grape 4.0