chia (10)
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Health Warrior honey almond chia protein bar: Dense, high fiber bar that is chewy and slightly sweet. Nutty flavor with a strange aftertaste reminiscent of cedar. Nicely textured bar. Not the best flavor but filling. 3.0/5.0

healthwarrior chia honey almond nuts protein bar 3.0
2016 09 22 12.40.13

Beatnik Chia seed pudding with homemade raspberry jam: A cup of chia seed pudding sets you back a little over $6 post-tax at Will Gilson's juice bar, located in the Kendall Square food court outside of the Google offices. The pudding comes in two options: one with jam and one without. I opted for the vividly colored raspberry jam, which had a fantastic texture and nice flavor in small quantities, but mixed with the pudding, it was overwhelmingly sweet and masked any of the lightly sweetened but creamy chia seed pudding. While the pudding is e... (read more) 3.0/5.0

cambridge beatnik chia seed pudding homemade raspberry jam 3.0
2017 01 22 18.03.20

Kashi Chocolate Almond Sea Salt with Chia Chewy Granola Bars: Slightly better than the previously reviewed mocha almond bar flavor, this Kashi bar is similarly textured but has a more distinct salted flavor and larger chunks of chocolate. Falls safely in granola bar territory (as opposed to candy bar, which these snacks sometimes wander into). Oats, chia seeds, and nuts offer varied crunchy and chewy textures. 3.0/5.0

granolabars kashi chocolate almond sea salt chia chewy granola bars 3.0
D220b54e 2dfc 4175 997b 37f45aa08487

Trader Joe’s Blueberry Almond Peanut Date and Nut Bites: Energy bites are the new granola bars, though they’re not as filling and tend to have small serving sizes. That’s the case with this 2-per-serving snack from Trader Joe’s consisting of a soft mix of dried fruit, nuts, and seeds. The usual suspects of natural health snacks are present (chia seeds and coconut). They are pretty high in sugar given the size but don’t have any added sugar. Tastes predominantly of dates, though you also get a bit of berry too. Decent as far as this type of product... (read more) 3.0/5.0

tjs energybites chia seeds traderjoes blueberry almond peanut date nut bites 3.0