cheddar (78)
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1006041162723918871 1397986312

Cheetos Cheddar jalapeño Cheetos: Classic neon orange "cheddar" flavor with a spicy kick. Crunchy, textured. Surprisingly good and unsurprisingly bad for you. 3.5/5.0

cheetos crunchy cheese recommended jalapeno spicy fritolay cheddar jalapeño 3.5
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Cheez-it Grooves Zesty Cheddar Ranch: The packaging describes it as a cross between a cheez-it and a chip, but it's really like a wheat thin with slight ridges. Has the bold and artificial ranch flavor everyone is familiar with. Flavor lingers unpleasantly in your mouth for a long time after snacking. 2.0/5.0

cheezits cheddar ranch cheese reviews crackers grooves wheatthins cheezit zesty 2.0
747329925359633924 1397986312

Cheez-It Zingz chipotle cheddar flavor: Some spicy notes at the end, not very pleasant after a few handfuls. 2.0/5.0

cheezit zingz chipotle cheddar flavor
Img 0305

Chester's Cheese flavored Puffcorn: Long gone are the days when Chester the Cheetah starred in his own video game (see Too Cool to Fool, NES 1992). While he's still featured prominently on Cheetos packaging, his name is a relic of 90s/00s commercial spots of my childhood. A quick search on YouTube for Cheetos ads reveals a shift away from pure animation to showing real people interacting with a CGI Chester. But on a recent trip to CVS, I found a bag of Chester's Cornpuffs, a product I had up to this point not seen before. It s... (read more) 3.0/5.0

junkfood cheddar chesters cheese flavored puffcorn 3.0
850156064808928277 1397986312

Deep River Snacks aged cheddar horseradish potato chips: Tangy, kettle cooked chips with a satisfying crunch and spicy aftertaste. Very well balanced. 4.0/5.0

deepriversnacks chips potato cheddar horseradish kettle recommended potatochips aged 4.0
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Earth Balance vegan cheddar squares: Surprisingly flavorful and tangy cheddar snack crackers. Very addicting. Sharp cheese flavor. Top 25% of cheese crackers I've had. 4.0/5.0

earthbalance cheddar crackers recommended 4.0 cheese vegan squares