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Kind almond and coconut fruit and nut bar: Good coconut flavor with whole almonds embedded throughout. I found the texture to be quite dense and unnecessarily difficult to chew. On the sweet side. 3.0/5.0

kind coconut fruit almonds nuts almond nut bar 3.0
2016 09 06 15.25.26

Shribark Original Cranberry Spice bar: This square-shaped snack bar contains a hearty amount of oats and nuts. It's sweeter than I personally would prefer, with whole dried cranberries, but nonetheless has a healthy-snack vibe. Purchased from the Leanbox. 3.0/5.0

leanbox shribark original cranberry spice bar 3.0
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Weis strawberry, watermelon, and lychee ice cream bar: One of several snacks I received on my Virgin Australia flight, this frozen treat had a unique combination of fruits along with a vanilla base. I found the fruit component to have a remarkably clean flavor, where all three fruits are easily identifiable. The ice cream base was so-so: more icy than creamy. Pretty good for a mass-manufactured ice cream bar. 3.0/5.0

weis australian lychee watermelon strawberry fruit 3.0 ice cream bar
2017 05 11 17.49.08

Trader Joe's Raises the Bar Chewy Granola Bar: Oats mixed with grains and seeds like quinoa and amaranth, bound together with a maple-syrup flavored glaze, produce a varied textural experience that's more familiar than interesting, especially if you've ever eaten one of many like it that now saturate the healthy-snack food aisle. These chewy granola bars are clearly Trader Joe's response to Kind bars, in which the company succeeds through sheer mimicry and value pricing. Nonetheless, they are tasty enough and filling, making them a sol... (read more) 3.0/5.0

traderjoes granolabars raises bar chewy granola 3.0
Img 2363

Bearded Brothers Mega Maca Chocolate Energy Bar: A glazed protein bar flecked with a scattering of beige and white crushed nuts (almonds and cashew to be exact). Given its chocolate flavoring and brown color, I expected a strong cocoa flavor only to find that the predominant taste is dates (also listed as the first item in the ingredient list). Maca, a type of root vegetable, is mixed in powdered form, though I am inexperienced with its actual flavor. The bar had a much softer texture than I anticipated, more like a soft cookie than a c... (read more) 3.0/5.0

vegan glutenfree organic protein beardedbrothers mega maca chocolate energy bar 3.0
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Go Raw Pumpkin Seed Sprouted Bar: Labeled “junk-foo” free, this sprouted pumpkins seed bar also contains flaxseed, all held together with a dried date paste. An organic energy bar that tastes exactly like the sum of its components, with a balanced but fairly neutral savory sweet flavor (without being too sweet with 5g of sugar). Texturally, it’s too hard to be chewy and too soft to be crunchy. 3.0/5.0

organic goraw pumpkin seed sprouted bar 3.0