balls (11)
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Spring Home peanut flavored glutinous rice balls: Small, frozen rice balls with a peanut filling consisting of a thick paste and bits of peanuts. The texture of the peanut filling is not very good, and it gets stuck in your teeth. Not too sweet (contains 4g of sugar per serving). 2.5/5.0

peanut glutinousrice tangyuan chinese dessert sweets hmart springhome flavored glutinous rice balls 2.5
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Maltesers malt balls: milk chocolate covered malt balls from Australia. Originally marketed as a lighter way to enjoy chocolate due to its honeycomb center, which is more air than actual product. This is where Maltesers falls short, particularly compared to the American equivalent, Whoppers; the inside is not substantial enough to have a satisfying melt-in-your melt malt experience, and the chocolate is your typical mass manufactured milk chocolate. About what you would expect from a vending machine classic. 2.5/5.0

maltesers chocolate malt mars milkchocolate candy balls 2.5
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Uegaki Beika Co Matcha Uguisu Balls: Uguisu Balls are a classic Japanese snack of bite-sized rice and wheat balls whose appearance is meant to mimic plum blossom buds. To me, they looked more like the shiny round acorns the two sisters chase after while exploring their new home at the beginning of Totoro. In this case, a sticky sugary coating envelops each piece, making it possible for green tea powder to stick to its surface. Slightly soft yet crunchy, sweet and bitter, this snack blends opposites to mixed success; the matcha... (read more) 2.5/5.0

tokyofishmarket matcha japanese uegakibeikaco uguisu balls 2.5
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Lotte Cookies and Cream Crunky Chocolate Balls: I bought this bag of candy from the Lawson convenience store, and it instantly brought me back to Hershey's Cookies and Cream chocolate bars, with their waxy white chocolate and dominant vanilla flavor. The form factor of this chocolate are bite-sized balls, and the interior has a crunchy cookie-like texture. Flavor-wise, it was neither good nor bad, but health-wise it was definitely not worth the calories. 2.5/5.0

japanese lawson lotte cookies cream crunky chocolate balls 2.5 cookiesandcream
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Chiki Snack cheese balls: This is the first in a series of #munchpak snack reviews. Chiki balls are puffed corn and rice cheese balls from Indonesia. While the packaging is foreign, the flavor is all too familiar, with a styrofoam texture and ingredients like \"flavor enhancers\" and MSG. In some ways, I take comfort that perhaps anywhere you go in the world, you'll come across this junk food standard. But if you really think about it, it's a little depressing. 2.0/5.0

cheeseballs cheese chiki indonesian 2.0 chikisnack balls