baked (25)
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Cascadian Farms Oats & Chicolate soft baked squares: What do you get when you get a Chips Ahoy cookie, make it square and 1.5x as thick, use organic ingredients, and soften the texture to make it more crumbly? These Cascadian Farms oats and chocolate soft baked squares. They really do taste like Chips Ahoy. 2.5/5.0

organic cookies cascadianfarms oats chicolate soft baked squares 2.5
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Lundberg White cheddar & jalapeño baked grain bites: I know Lundbergh from their rice crackers, but this is the first time I’ve seen a snack from them that’s shelved outside of the health food aisle. Baked puffed “grain bites” have a bit of heat but largely taste imbalanced, with a white cheddar flavor that doesn’t quite mix with the brown rice taste. Crispy snack is reminiscent of chicharrones, but lighter and of course without meat. 2.5/5.0

organic lundberg white cheddar jalapeño baked grain bites 2.5
2017 04 13 07.09.52

Cheeseboard Sticky Bun: I wouldn't say I have a sweet tooth, but I can enjoy sweet things. I definitely have a preference, though, for lighter desserts. This sticky bun from Cheeseboard falls on the opposite end of the spectrum. Soaked with a buttery glaze and topped with chopped pecans, it's the type of sweet that will actually induce a physical reaction, as your body and teeth rejects what it knows is not good for it. Because the sticky bun is from Cheeseboard, I have some confidence in the quality of the ing... (read more) 2.0/5.0

dessert pecans nuts bread bakery baked sweets cheeseboard sticky bun 2.0
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Sweet Belly Desserts Oatmeal pecan cookie: Had been curious about this highly rated dessert shop in Oakland after hearing about their donuts, but I found they only sell their mini-donuts in a set of 6, which I wasn't hungry enough for. Instead, I opted for an oatmeal pecan cookie, which was flavored with butterscotch chips. It was a snack whose essence is fully captured in a single bite; overly buttery and sweet, I forced myself to eat the entire cookie, but I knew immediately it wasn't worth the calories. 2.0/5.0

oakland baked sweets sweetbellydesserts oatmeal pecan cookie 2.0
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Herr's baked aged cheddar chips: I purchased these from a vending machine in lab since it was the only healthier choice option I saw. This is the first time I had chips that tasted like Kraft Mac and cheese cheese powder. Definitely on the salty side. Very few chips (I believe around 13) per bag. Serving size is probably the main reason this is one of the lower calorie vending machine options. 1.5/5.0

herrs potatochips chips agedcheddar cheddar 1.5 avoid baked aged
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Trader Joe's Inner Bean baked black bean snack: Unpleasant styrofoam texture that too easily gets stuck in your teeth. Very little flavor but salt. A lackluster snack. 1.0/5.0

traderjoes beans avoid inner bean baked black snack 1.0