2.5 (280)
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Img 20200517 150723

Calbee Cheddar Cheese Crisps: These are puffed corn chips, similar in texture to fried shrimp chips you get from certain types of Chinese restaurants. In other words, they have a type of crispy-styrofoam-like texture rather than resembling potato chips or crisps. Overall, the cheese flavor is so-so; I definitely didn't like it enough to buy it again. 2.5/5.0

japanese cheese chips calbee cheddar crisps 2.5
Img 20200502 125737

Sangaria White grape soda: This beverage comes in an aluminum bottle with a twist of top. It contains 20% real fruit juice and probably 80% sugar water, along with what appeared to be slightly chewy pieces of grape. Overall, it was extremely sweet and not something I could drink much of in a single sitting. Purchased at Family Mart. 2.5/5.0

familymart japanese drinks soda white grape 2.5 sangaria
Img 20200527 190049

Kabaya Watermelon Gummies: Softer than most gummy candies, falling more towards the marshmallow end of chewy textures, with Haribo on the opposite extreme. Shaped like little watermelon wedges and coated with sugar. Tastes like typically watermelon-flavored candy, which doesn't quite taste like real watermelon but would be recognizable nonetheless. Purchased at a Lawson drugstore. 2.5/5.0

japanese candy lawson kabaya watermelon gummies 2.5
Img 20200629 154839

Morinaga 俺の白くま beverage: This cute packaging caught my eye, with a familiar polar bear face I've seen on popsicles everywhere from convenience stores to supermarkets. Though I haven't tried the popsicles before, they seem to feature a variety of fruits along with red bean, all in a milky white bar. The combination of flavors always seemed like they wouldn't necessarily go well together, which is why I hadn't felt a strong desire to try them up to this point. I found this carton in between the milk and yogurt secti... (read more) 2.5/5.0

drinks japanese inegaya morinaga 俺の白くま beverage 2.5
Img 20200706 104453

Lotte Crunky Crunch Chocolate: I had been curious about what this popular milk chocolate bar tastes like. Most Japanese chocolate bars are thinner than American bars; Crunky comes in a simple cardboard packaging with the chocolate wrapped in silver foil. The milk chocolate has puffed rice inside that is less crispy than a Crunch bar but has a slightly nuttier taste to it, almost like it's flavored with almonds. It's fairly unremarkable - kind of exactly what you expect it to taste like, which is neither particularly go... (read more) 2.5/5.0

chocolate japanese lotte crunky crunch 2.5
Img 20200710 192601

Lotte Cookies and Cream Crunky Chocolate Balls: I bought this bag of candy from the Lawson convenience store, and it instantly brought me back to Hershey's Cookies and Cream chocolate bars, with their waxy white chocolate and dominant vanilla flavor. The form factor of this chocolate are bite-sized balls, and the interior has a crunchy cookie-like texture. Flavor-wise, it was neither good nor bad, but health-wise it was definitely not worth the calories. 2.5/5.0

japanese lawson lotte cookies cream crunky chocolate balls 2.5 cookiesandcream