2.5 (280)
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2016 11 22 16.39.29

Perfect Bar Almond Butter Bar: Dense, nutrient rich snack with just about every ingredient you might find in a health food store, including flax seed oil, kale, rose hip, celery, kelp, and of course, almonds. Not a flavor combination I would ever crave. Texturally, it reminds me of a Power Bar without the glazed coating and with a more dry mouthfeel. Extremely filing, but you would hope so at over 300 calories per bar and 13g of protein. 2.5/5.0

perfectbar almond butter bar 2.5
E955e0c4 107d 4eb9 a416 6f4bd2dfa7d8

&pizza Rose and champagne cotton candy: This is a 2-serving-size cotton candy snack from &Pizza, available in two different flavors: rose and champagne. They taste slightly different from one another, but neither are particularly close to their intended flavor—the Rose is more mild than the champagne, but both taste of pure sugar. Not particularly distinguishable from standard carnival cotton candy. Expensive, at $5 each. 2.5/5.0

sugar dessert pizza rose champagne cotton candy 2.5
1068922046900372934 1397986312

Poland Spring black cherry sparkling water: Unlike the favorably reviewed raspberry lime flavor, I found this bottle to have an unpleasantly salty aftertaste. Black cherry flavor is decent. Not one of the best. 2.5/5.0

polandspring blackcherry drinks sparklingwater 2.5 black cherry sparkling water
1068922046900372934 1397986312

Poland Spring black cherry sparkling water: Unlike the favorably reviewed raspberry lime flavor, I found this bottle to have an unpleasantly salty aftertaste. Black cherry flavor is decent. Not one of the best. 2.5/5.0

polandspring blackcherry drinks sparklingwater 2.5 black cherry sparkling water 2.5/5.0
2017 07 02 08.18.15

Popcorners Cinema Style Popped Corn Chips: Had these on a recent Jet Blue flight. The name makes you wonder if "Buttered Popcorn" just did not market well at all. It does capture the essence of movie theater popcorn, with a rich buttery taste of questionable origin (is it really butter, or just oil with a bit of flavoring? I would rather not know). Not a snack I would want to eat more than a bag of. 2.5/5.0

popcorners cinema style popped corn chips 2.5
Img 1132

Poppy Mix Cheddar and caramel popcorn: I received a snack box from work containing a few products I haven't come across before. This hand-crafted popcorn contains a classic mix of cheddar and caramel popcorn and tastes exactly like you'd expect, a bag that could be substituted for any other gift basket popcorn in the world. Which is to say that it is neither good nor bad and entirely ordinary. 2.5/5.0

poppymix cheddar caramel popcorn 2.5